Season Touch Wiki

Chiaki Momomiya
Biographical Information
Kanji 桃宮 ちあき
Rōmaji Momomiya Chiaki
Birthday April 30th
Age 4
Status Alive
Physical and Vital Statistics
Race Human
Ethnicity Japanese
Gender Female
Blood Type A
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Hazel Chestnut
Professional Status
Occupation Pre-school student
Personal Status
Relatives Mei Tarano (Mother)

Thunder (Father)

Satsuki Tarano (Maternal Aunt)

Hazuki Tarano (Maternal Grandmother)

Daichi Tarano (Maternal Grandfather)

Hobbies Reading fairytales
Favorite Food Curry
Manga Chapter 52
Anime Episode 52
Voice Actors
Japanese Fujii Yukiyo
English Tara Strong

Chiaki Momomiya appears in the Season Touch epilogue she is the daughter of Naoki & Mei Momomiya.


Chiaki is a bright and cheerful little girl she is curious about the world around her like her mother she is always happy and optimistic, making her seem very naive. Chiaki loves her parents very much, Chiaki often gets overexcited over small things and ends up hurting herself in the process. As she loves fairytales, Chiaki's favorite pastime is reading storybooks. As she explained that she loves reading fairytales because the happy endings always leave a warm and happy feeling inside her heart. The most important thing to Chiaki is to be happy and to smile something her father taught her.


Chiaki is a young girl aged four that resembles her mother a lot with short brown hair tied into twin tails and pretty blue eyes. Chiaki chooses to wear a a pink sweater underneath a peach dress with a sailor tie and she wears white tights and pink shoes.


Mei & Naoki Momomiya - Mei and Naoki are Chiaki's mother and father they love their daughter very much and enjoy telling her stories. Chiaki has traits of both of her parents she has Mei's appearance, kindness and curiosity whilst she has her father's optimism and her ability to read at a young age. Chiaki loves her family very much and her parents would do anything to protect her.

Mocchi - In the epilogue Chiaki is seen carrying Mocchi around and the two are playing together but Mocchi also tells her stories about the Land of Gaia which Chiaki loves. Mocchi acts as a big sister towards Chiaki.
